User Group Management

This control panel allows the administrator(s) and group leader(s) to add and remove users from the various groups as well as alter the permissions of those users.

If the user can manage more then one group then a list of all the groups that they can manage will be shown allowing them to choose a group to edit.

The form also includes a control allowing for addition/editing of users in the group as well as specifying their permissions, the editable permissions contain drop downs with 'Yes/No' toggles allowing the group manager to grant or take away the permission from the user.

Below is the explanation of the permissions that can be granted or removed using the groups system.


Allows the user to see the forum on the forum listing on the front page.


Allows the user to read the messages inside the forum.


The ability to create new topics in the forum.


The ability to post replies to existing topics in the forum.


The ability to edit messages posted by other users.


Normally they users can only edit their own messages.


The ability to deletes topics & posted by other users.

Sticky posts

The ability to create Sticky/Announcement topics.

Create polls

The ability to add polls to messages posted on the forum.


Whether or not the user may vote on the polls in the forum.


This option will ALWAYS be set to NO for anonymous users, since their uniqueness cannot be determined reliably.

Attach files

Whether or not the user can attach file(s) to their messages.


If the number of allowed file attachments for the forum is set to 0, then even if this option is set to 'Yes' users will not be able to attach files.

Rate topics

Whether or not a user can rate topics inside the forum.


This option will ALWAYS be set to NO for anonymous users, since their uniqueness cannot be determined reliably.

Split topics

The ability to split topics.

Lock topics

The ability to lock & unlock topics in the forum.


Users with this ability will also have the ability to post replies in locked topics.

Move topics

The ability to move or request that a topic be moved to another forum.

Use smilies

If enabled, the user's emoticon tags will be converted to equivalent smiley images during the posting process.

Use image tags

Whether or not this user may use FUDcode's [img] tags in their code.


If the maximum allowed images per message option is set to 0 this option will have no affect.