still trying to use fudforum classes and functions to integrate it in my mailing list manager / archiver. I'm at a good point (can archive the message but still not the attachment) but step into a strange problem with the function managing post user update, I get a
users.inc error message |
<br />
<b>Notice</b>: Use of undefined constant s - assumed 's' in <b>//write_directory/fudforum/2945491008/include/theme/default/users.inc</b > on line <b>32</b><br />
this is the incriminated code:
$u = db_sab("SELECT
s.id AS sid, s.data, s.returnto,
t.id AS theme_id, t.lang, t.name AS theme_name, t.locale, t.theme, t.pspell_lang, t.theme_opt,
u.alias, u.posts_ppg, u.time_zone, u.sig, u.last_visit, u.last_read, u.cat_collapse_status, u.users_opt, u.ignore_list, u.ignore_list, u.buddy_list, u.id, u.group_leader_list, u.email, u.login
FROM phpgw_fud_ses s
INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON u.id=(CASE WHEN s.user_id>2000000000 THEN 1 ELSE s.user_id END)
INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_themes t ON t.id=u.theme WHERE s.ses_id='".s."'");
looks like that 's' in the final line (line 31...) is a mistake as it is used outside quotes while is the table alias, I'm really not sure about it because I don't understand why it works posting through the forum then... I must miss something...
[Updated on: Sun, 29 February 2004 16:26] Report message to a moderator