Now I'm interested in creating a reply to a given thread. I have this code so far:
$reply_msg = new fud_msg_edit;
$reply_msg->poster_id = $id;
$reply_msg->subject = "a reply";
$reply_msg->body = "body of msg";
$reply_msg->add_reply(151, 118, "", "", TRUE); //118=thread_id, 151=msg id
$result = uq("select max(id) from {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}msg");
$var = db_rowarr($result);
$reply_msg->approve($var[0], FALSE);
The problem is that it creates a separate thread for this, not a reply. Any ideas on how to create a simple reply to a thread?
[Updated on: Wed, 06 October 2004 12:40]
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