I work for having 4 default categories in fudforum, after installation, instead of ForumTest. in egroupware !
so in default_records.inc.php, i've added these few lines :
$oProc->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_cat (name,description,cat_opt,view_order) VALUES ('ELEVES', ' - Forums des élèves', 1|2, 1)");
$oProc->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_cat (name,description,cat_opt,view_order) VALUES ('PROFS', ' - Forums des profs', 1|2, 2)");
$oProc->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_cat (name,description,cat_opt,view_order) VALUES ('PARENTS', ' - Forums des parents', 1|2, 3)");
$oProc->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_cat (name,description,cat_opt,view_order) VALUES ('PUBLIC', ' - Forums public', 1|2, 4)");
$oProc->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_forum (cat_id, name, date_created, max_attach_size, view_order) VALUES(1, 'Forum Elèves', ".time().", 1024, 1)");
$oProc->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_forum (cat_id, name, date_created, max_attach_size, view_order) VALUES(2, 'Forum Profs', ".time().", 1024, 2)");
$oProc->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_forum (cat_id, name, date_created, max_attach_size, view_order) VALUES(3, 'Forum Parents', ".time().", 1024,3)");
$oProc->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_forum (cat_id, name, date_created, max_attach_size, view_order) VALUES(4, 'Forum public', ".time().", 1024, 4)");
this work fine as i can see my 4 cat in the admin panel, but in the front page of the forum (what see the common user) the first (only) is displayed !
i think that i must add something in the fud tables but what ?
i've also add that but doesn't seem to do anything !
$oProc->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_fc_view (c, f) VALUES(1, 1)");
$oProc->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_fc_view (c, f) VALUES(2, 2)");
$oProc->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_fc_view (c, f) VALUES(3, 3)");
$oProc->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_fc_view (c, f) VALUES(4, 4)");
i didn't find the matching in tables, don't know which table is usefull for creation of forum.
is there someone who has already works on modification of defaut forums ??