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SQL Error after installation [message #28406] Sun, 23 October 2005 11:04 Go to next message
Cower   Sweden
Messages: 5
Registered: October 2005
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Junior Member
I've just installed v 2.7.2 (fresh install), and index.php gives:

Fatal error: SQL Error has occurred, please contact the administrator of the forum and have them review the forum's SQL query log in /home/lair/forum-data/include/core.inc on line 184

PHP version: 4.3.10
Database: MySQL 4.0.24
Webserver: Apache 1.3.33

The logfile for MySQL contains (for one attempt):
051023 12:45:40       6 Connect     lair_forum@localhost on 
                      6 Init DB     lair_forum
                      6 Query       SELECT
                s.id AS sid, s.ses_id, s.data, s.returnto, s.sys_id,
                t.id AS theme_id, t.lang, t.name AS theme_name, t.locale, t.them
e, t.pspell_lang, t.theme_opt,
                u.alias, u.posts_ppg, u.time_zone, u.sig, u.last_visit, u.last_r
ead, u.cat_collapse_status, u.users_opt,
                u.ignore_list, u.ignore_list, u.buddy_list, u.id, u.group_leader
_list, u.email, u.login, u.sq, u.ban_expiry
        FROM fud26_ses s
                INNER JOIN fud26_users u ON u.id=(CASE WHEN s.user_id>2000000000
 THEN 1 ELSE s.user_id END)
                INNER JOIN fud26_themes t ON t.id=u.theme
        WHERE s.ses_id='6cd5887baf1799833209c550d4191d36'
                      6 Query       SELECT id FROM fud26_users WHERE (users_opt 
& 131072)=0 AND join_date<1129459540 AND posted_msg_count=0 AND last_visit<11294
59540 AND id!=1 AND (users_opt & 1048576)=0
                      6 Query       UPDATE fud26_ses SET sys_id='94fa3c5c28bd1ea
68f09923d6c24375c', forum_id=0, time_sec=1130064340, action='Login Form', return
to=returnto WHERE id=1
                      6 Query       SELECT VERSION()
                      6 Quit       
Re: SQL Error after installation [message #28409 is a reply to message #28406] Sun, 23 October 2005 17:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ilia is currently offline  Ilia   Canada
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Check the forum's sql error log to see why the query had actually failed.

FUDforum Core Developer
Re: SQL Error after installation [message #28411 is a reply to message #28409] Sun, 23 October 2005 18:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Cower   Sweden
Messages: 5
Registered: October 2005
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If you mean <forum data dir>/errors/sql_errors, then I'll need some help enterpreting it:
[Sun Oct 23 10:45:40 GMT 2005] 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

If you mean MySQL's error log, then it's empty.
Re: SQL Error after installation [message #28412 is a reply to message #28411] Sun, 23 October 2005 18:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ilia is currently offline  Ilia   Canada
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Access denied for user: 'lair_forum@localhost' to database 'lair_forum'

is your problem.

FUDforum Core Developer
Re: SQL Error after installation [message #28413 is a reply to message #28412] Sun, 23 October 2005 18:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Cower   Sweden
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OK, thank you.
Re: SQL Error after installation [message #28419 is a reply to message #28406] Sun, 23 October 2005 18:50 Go to previous message
Cower   Sweden
Messages: 5
Registered: October 2005
Karma: 0
Junior Member
When I set the privleges for the forum's MySQL user fo ALL instead of trying to limit it everyting worked fine.
Thanks a lot.
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