when i try to register as a new user i get this:
query failed: %( INSERT INTO fud21_users ( login, alias, passwd, name, email, display_email, notify, notify_method, ignore_admin, email_messages, pm_messages, gender, icq, aim, yahoo, msnm, jabber, append_sig, posts_ppg, time_zone, bday, invisible_mode, last_visit, conf_key, user_image, join_date, location, avatar, theme, coppa, occupation, interests, referer_id, show_sigs, show_avatars, last_read, avatar_loc, avatar_approved, sig, default_view, home_page, bio ) VALUES ( '', '', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', '', '', 'N', 'N', '', 'N', 'N', 'N', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', '', '', 0, 'N', 1027960417, 'a7ff2f5485718e89f3153e49b125b060', NULL, 1027960417, '', 0, 0, 'N', NULL, NULL, 2, 'N', 'N', 1027960417, NULL, 'NO', NULL, '', NULL, NULL ) )% because %( Duplicate entry '' for key 2 )%
I have no clue what it means. any help? still using 2.2.4RC1
[Updated on: Mon, 29 July 2002 19:40] Report message to a moderator