signed into fudforum at my site as admin
signed into fudforum here at prohost.
I ran the following query in phpMyAdmin on my site
SELECT id,reply_to FROM fud25_msg WHERE thread_id=2;
Then tried to add a msg. Received the following error msg
(index.php) 1044: Access denied for user: 'acct@localhost' to database 'acct_ch'
Query: LOCK TABLES fud25_thread_view WRITE, fud25_level WRITE,
fud25_users WRITE, fud25_forum WRITE, fud25_thread WRITE,
fud25_msg WRITE
Server Version: 4.0.12
[Referring Page]
signed out of fudforum at prohost
Tried to add the msg again and received the same error msg as above
Neither msg showed up in my forum
Using phpMyAdmin I could see the two newly added msgs. I noticed that the "unapproved" field was set to no for both msgs.
Edited the first one and changed the status to approved.
Now my forum shows the first msg.
Edited the second one and changed the status to approved.
Now my forum shows both msgs.
Deleted the second msg.
Received the following error msg
(index.php) 1044: Access denied for user: 'acct@localhost' to database 'acct_ch'
Query: LOCK TABLES fud25_thr_exchange WRITE, fud25_thread_view
WRITE, fud25_level WRITE, fud25_forum WRITE, fud25_forum_read
WRITE, fud25_thread WRITE, fud25_msg WRITE, fud25_attach WRITE,
fud25_poll WRITE, fud25_poll_opt WRITE, fud25_poll_opt_track
WRITE, fud25_users WRITE, fud25_thread_notify WRITE,
fud25_msg_report WRITE, fud25_thread_rate_track WRITE
Server Version: 4.0.12
[Referring Page]
Tried to go to admin center and received the following error msg.
Fatal error: SQL Error has occurred, please contact the
administrator of the forum and have them review the forum's SQL
query log in /home/acct/public_html/forum/index.php on line 56
Now what?
Forums are down completely!