Spot on, that was it. Maybe I was being absentminded that day and downloaded the wrong script.
[sfx: head banging on desk]
The database remains a problem - the MySQL query gives this result -
) 1146: Table 'kerrygal_parisforumsdata09.fud28_msg' doesn't exist
Query: SELECT file_id, count(*) FROM fud28_msg GROUP BY file_id;
_POST: array ( 'SQ' => '3959a727ab29b050fab3c7eac96eef83', 'sql' => 'SELECT file_id, count(*) FROM fud28_msg GROUP BY file_id;', )
Server Version: 5.0.75-community-log
[Referring Page]
but if I change it to my own db prefix it's this -
SQL Results
file_id count(*)
-80000 1
-70000 43
-60000 3
60000 48465
70000 48
80000 1635
100000 2
120000 2
130000 4
9 row(s) returned.
That MySQL manager's going to be *very* handy.
[Updated on: Sun, 10 May 2009 19:37]
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