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Re: Query taking 2 minutes [message #163687 is a reply to message #163686] Wed, 24 November 2010 12:01 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
Ernesto is currently offline  Ernesto   Sweden
Messages: 413
Registered: August 2005
Senior Member
Alright, this is my "final" selmsg.php.t

The sorting is obviously not perfect, it orders by thread ID found in the thread table, so the highest thread ID is at the top. However, the SQL takes 0.0x seconds instead of XX.xx seconds, which is an improvement with several thousand percent Razz

The "more unread messages" functionality is not working since the $usr->data variable (object?) contains nothing since I no longer call tmpl_drawmsg function.

This will have to be solved some other way, should not be hard, will work on that later.

The pager is also not working properly, it will have to be adjusted, not worried right now though.

* copyright            : (C) 2001-2007 Advanced Internet Designs Inc.
* email                : forum(at)prohost(dot)org
* $Id: selmsg.php.t,v 1.75 2007/01/01 18:23:46 hackie Exp $
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.


function path_info_lnk($var, $val)
	$a = $_GET;
	unset($a['rid'], $a['S'], $a['t']);
	if (isset($a[$var])) {
		$rm = 1;
	$url = '/sel';

	foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
		$url .= '/' . $k . '/' . $v;
	if (!isset($rm)) {
		$url .= '/' . $var . '/' . $val;

	return htmlspecialchars($url, ENT_QUOTES) . '/' . _rsid;

	ses_update_status($usr->sid, '{TEMPLATE: selmsg_update}');

	$count = $usr->posts_ppg ? $usr->posts_ppg : $POSTS_PER_PAGE;
	if (!isset($_GET['start']) || !($start = (int)$_GET['start'])) {
		$start = 0;

	/* limited to today */
	if (isset($_GET['date'])) {
		if ($_GET['date'] != 'today') {
			$tm = __request_timestamp__ - ((int)$_GET['date'] - 1) * 86400;
		} else {
			$tm = __request_timestamp__;
		$dt = getdate($tm);
		$tm_today_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $dt['mon'], $dt['mday'], $dt['year']);
		$tm_today_end = $tm_today_start + 86400;
		$date_limit = ' AND m.post_stamp>'.$tm_today_start.' AND m.post_stamp<'.$tm_today_end . ' ';
	} else {
		$date_limit = '';
	if (!_uid) { /* these options are restricted to registered users */
		unset($_GET['sub_forum_limit'], $_GET['sub_th_limit'], $_GET['unread']);

	$unread_limit = (isset($_GET['unread']) && _uid) ? ' AND m.post_stamp > '.$usr->last_read.' AND (r.id IS NULL OR r.last_view < m.post_stamp) ' : '';
	$th = isset($_GET['th']) ? (int)$_GET['th'] : 0;
	$frm_id = isset($_GET['frm_id']) ? (int)$_GET['frm_id'] : 0;
	$perm_limit = $is_a ? '' : ' AND (mm.id IS NOT NULL OR ' . (_uid ? '(COALESCE(g2.group_cache_opt, g1.group_cache_opt)' : '(g1.group_cache_opt') . ' & 2) > 0)';

	/* mark messages read for registered users */

	if (_uid && isset($_GET['mr']) && !empty($usr->data)) {
		foreach ($usr->data as $ti => $mi) {
			if (!(int)$ti || !(int)$mi) {
			user_register_thread_view($ti, __request_timestamp__, $mi);
	ses_putvar((int)$usr->sid, null);

	/* no other limiters are present, assume 'today' limit */
	if (!$unread_limit && !isset($_GET['date']) && !isset($_GET['reply_count'])) {
		$_GET['date'] = 'today';
		$dt = getdate(__request_timestamp__);
		$tm_today_start =  mktime(0, 0, 0, $dt['mon'], $dt['mday'], $dt['year']);
		$tm_today_end = $tm_today_start + 86400;
		$date_limit = ' AND m.post_stamp>'.$tm_today_start.' AND m.post_stamp<'.$tm_today_end . ' ';


	/* date limit */
	if ($FUD_OPT_2 & 32768) {
		$dt_opt = path_info_lnk('date', '1');
		$rp_opt = path_info_lnk('reply_count', '0');
	} else {
		$dt_opt = isset($_GET['date']) ? str_replace('&amp;date='.$_GET['date'], '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) : $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&amp;date=1';
		$rp_opt = isset($_GET['reply_count']) ? str_replace('&amp;reply_count='.(int)$_GET['reply_count'], '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) : $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&amp;reply_count=0';

	if (_uid) {
		if ($FUD_OPT_2 & 32768) {
			$un_opt = path_info_lnk('unread', '1');
			$frm_opt = path_info_lnk('sub_forum_limit', '1');
			$th_opt =path_info_lnk('sub_th_limit', '1');
		} else {
			$un_opt = isset($_GET['unread']) ? str_replace('&amp;unread='.$_GET['unread'], '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) : $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&amp;unread=1';
			$frm_opt = isset($_GET['sub_forum_limit']) ? str_replace('&amp;sub_forum_limit='.$_GET['sub_forum_limit'], '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) : $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&amp;sub_forum_limit=1';
			$th_opt = isset($_GET['sub_th_limit']) ? str_replace('&amp;sub_th_limit='.$_GET['sub_th_limit'], '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) : $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&amp;sub_th_limit=1';

	make_perms_query($fields, $join);

	if (!$unread_limit) {
		$total = (int) q_singleval('SELECT count(*) FROM {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}msg m INNER JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id INNER JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}forum f ON t.forum_id=f.id INNER JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}cat c ON f.cat_id=c.id '.(isset($_GET['sub_forum_limit']) ? 'INNER JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}forum_notify fn ON fn.forum_id=f.id AND fn.user_id='._uid : '').' '.(isset($_GET['sub_th_limit']) ? 'INNER JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}thread_notify tn ON tn.thread_id=t.id AND tn.user_id='._uid : '').' '.$join.' LEFT JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}mod mm ON mm.forum_id=f.id AND mm.user_id='._uid.' WHERE m.apr=1 '.$date_limit.' '.($frm_id ? ' AND f.id='.$frm_id : '').' '.($th ? ' AND t.id='.$th : '').' '.(isset($_GET['reply_count']) ? ' AND t.replies='.(int)$_GET['reply_count'] : '').' '.$perm_limit);


/* Inverted sort order, newest topic first */

	if ($unread_limit || $total) {
		$ord = isset($_GET['reply_count']) ? ' ASC ' : ' DESC ';

		/* figure out the query */
		$c = q('SELECT
			m.*, COALESCE(m.flag_cc, u.flag_cc) AS flag_cc, COALESCE(m.flag_country, u.flag_country) AS flag_country,
			t.thread_opt, t.root_msg_id, t.last_post_id, t.forum_id,
			f.message_threshold, f.name, t.tdescr,
			u.id AS user_id, u.alias AS login, u.avatar_loc, u.email, u.posted_msg_count, u.join_date, u.location,
			u.sig, u.custom_status, u.icq, u.jabber, u.affero, u.aim, u.msnm, u.yahoo, u.skype, u.google, u.last_visit AS time_sec, u.users_opt,
			l.name AS level_name, l.level_opt, l.img AS level_img,
			p.max_votes, p.expiry_date, p.creation_date, p.name AS poll_name, p.total_votes,
			pot.id AS cant_vote,
			mm.id AS md,
			m2.subject AS thr_subject,
			INNER JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id
			INNER JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}msg m2 ON m2.id=t.root_msg_id
			INNER JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}forum f ON t.forum_id=f.id
			INNER JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}cat c ON f.cat_id=c.id
			'.(isset($_GET['sub_forum_limit']) ? 'INNER JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}forum_notify fn ON fn.forum_id=f.id AND fn.user_id='._uid : '').'
			'.(isset($_GET['sub_th_limit']) ? 'INNER JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}thread_notify tn ON tn.thread_id=t.id AND tn.user_id='._uid : '').'
			LEFT JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}read r ON r.thread_id=t.id AND r.user_id='._uid.'
			LEFT JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}users u ON m.poster_id=u.id
			LEFT JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}level l ON u.level_id=l.id
			LEFT JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}poll p ON m.poll_id=p.id
			LEFT JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}poll_opt_track pot ON pot.poll_id=p.id AND pot.user_id='._uid.'
			LEFT JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}mod mm ON mm.forum_id=f.id AND mm.user_id='._uid.'
			'.($frm_id ? ' AND f.id='.$frm_id : '').'
			'.($th ? ' AND t.id='.$th : '').'
			'.(isset($_GET['reply_count']) ? ' AND t.replies='.(int)$_GET['reply_count'] : '').'
			f.last_post_id '.$ord.', t.last_post_date '.$ord.', m.post_stamp '.$ord.'
		LIMIT '.qry_limit($count, $start));


/* SQL moved into a variable to be able to echo the SQL */
$sql = 'SELECT
			m.id, m.thread_id, m.poster_id, m.post_stamp, m.msg_opt, m.apr,
			t.id AS topic_id, t.thread_opt, t.root_msg_id, t.last_post_date, t.last_post_id, t.forum_id, t.views, t.replies, t.tdescr, 
			f.message_threshold, f.name, 
			u.id AS user_id, u.alias AS login, 
			mm.id AS md,
			m2.subject AS thr_subject,
			INNER JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id
			INNER JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}msg m2 ON m2.id=t.root_msg_id
			INNER JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}forum f ON t.forum_id=f.id
			INNER JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}cat c ON f.cat_id=c.id
			'.(isset($_GET['sub_forum_limit']) ? 'INNER JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}forum_notify fn ON fn.forum_id=f.id AND fn.user_id='._uid : '').'
			'.(isset($_GET['sub_th_limit']) ? 'INNER JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}thread_notify tn ON tn.thread_id=t.id AND tn.user_id='._uid : '').'
			LEFT JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}read r ON r.thread_id=t.id AND r.user_id='._uid.'
			LEFT JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}users u ON m.poster_id=u.id
			LEFT JOIN {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}mod mm ON mm.forum_id=f.id AND mm.user_id='._uid.'
			'.($frm_id ? ' AND f.id='.$frm_id : '').'
			'.($th ? ' AND t.id='.$th : '').'
			'.(isset($_GET['reply_count']) ? ' AND t.replies='.(int)$_GET['reply_count'] : '').'
		t.id '.$ord.'
		LIMIT '.qry_limit($count, $start);

$c = q($sql);

		/* message drawing code */
		$message_data = $n = $prev_frm = $prev_th = '';
		$thl = $mark_read = array();
		while ($r = db_rowobj($c)) {
			if ($prev_frm != $r->forum_id) {
				$prev_frm = $r->forum_id;
		//	$message_data .= '{TEMPLATE: forum_row}'; // I feel there is no need to output the forum on a separate row 
				$perms = perms_from_obj($r, $is_a);
			if ($prev_th != $r->thread_id) {
				$thl[] = $r->thread_id;
				$prev_th = $r->thread_id;
				$message_data .= '{TEMPLATE: thread_row}';
			/* Removing automatic mark as read */
			/*	if (_uid && $r->last_view < $r->post_stamp && $r->post_stamp > $usr->last_read && !isset($mark_read[$r->thread_id])) {
				$mark_read[$r->thread_id] = $r->id;
			$usr->md = $r->md;

			/* We do not want to draw the messages anymore */
	//		$message_data .= '<tr><th colspan="3">'.$r->id.'</th></tr>';
	//		$message_data .= tmpl_drawmsg($r, $usr, $perms, false, $n, '');

/* Remove the extra views update - we are not viewing the threads/messages */

		if ($thl) {
			q('UPDATE {SQL_TABLE_PREFIX}thread SET views=views+1 WHERE id IN('.implode(',', $thl).')');
		if (_uid && $mark_read) {
			ses_putvar((int)$usr->sid, $mark_read);
	} else {
		$message_data = '';

/* FIX - this isn't working - $usr->data is empty */

	if (_uid && isset($_GET['mr']) && !empty($message_ids)) {
		foreach ($usr->data as $ti => $mi) {
			if (!(int)$ti || !(int)$mi) {
			user_register_thread_view($ti, __request_timestamp__, $mi);

	if (!$unread_limit && $total > $count) {

		if (!isset($_GET['mr'])) {
			if ($FUD_OPT_2 & 32768 && isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
				$_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] .= 'mr/1/';
			} else {
				$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] .= '&mr=1';

		/* Preserve pager */
		/* FIX FIX FIX Pager still needs work, it is counting messages, not topics */
		if ($FUD_OPT_2 & 32768 && isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
			$p = htmlspecialchars(str_replace(_rsid, '', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']), ENT_QUOTES);
			if (strpos($p, 'start/') !== false) {
				$p = preg_replace('!start/[0-9]+/!', '', $p);
			$pager = tmpl_create_pager($start, $count, $total, '{ROOT}' . $p . 'start/', '/' . _rsid);
		} else {
			$pager = tmpl_create_pager($start, $count, $total, '{ROOT}?' . str_replace('&amp;start='.$start, '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']));
	} else if ($unread_limit) {
		/* Fixed SEO GET string */
		if (!isset($_GET['mark_page_read'])) {
			if ($FUD_OPT_2 & 32768) {
				$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = htmlspecialchars(str_replace(_rsid, '', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']), ENT_QUOTES) . 'mark_page_read/1/mr/1/' . _rsid;
			} else {
				$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] .= '&amp;mark_page_read=1&amp;mr=1';
		$pager = $message_data ? '{TEMPLATE: more_unread_messages}' : '';
	} else {
		$pager = '';

	if (!$message_data) {
		if (isset($_GET['unread'])) {
			$message_data = '{TEMPLATE: no_unread_messages}';
			if (!$frm_id && !$th) {
			} else if ($frm_id) {
				user_mark_forum_read(_uid, $frm_id, $usr->last_read);
		} else {
			$message_data = '{TEMPLATE: no_result}';


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