After Login as admin:
Warning: reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in D:\xampp\htdocs\sah\forum\include\ on line 42
Warning: array_walk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in D:\xampp\htdocs\sah\forum\include\ on line 43
Warning: reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in D:\xampp\htdocs\sah\forum\include\ on line 44
Warning: reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in D:\xampp\htdocs\sah\forum\include\ on line 46
Warning: array_walk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in D:\xampp\htdocs\sah\forum\include\ on line 47
Warning: reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in D:\xampp\htdocs\sah\forum\include\ on line 48
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in D:\xampp\htdocs\sah\forum\include\ on line 50
Warning: reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in D:\xampp\htdocs\sah\forum\include\ on line 54
Warning: reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in D:\xampp\htdocs\sah\forum\include\ on line 57
Warning: array_walk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in D:\xampp\htdocs\sah\forum\include\ on line 58
Warning: reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in D:\xampp\htdocs\sah\forum\include\ on line 59
Do the upgrade
Checking if SQL permissions to perform the upgrade are available.
Disabling the forum.
Forum is now disabled.
Beginning the file upgrade process.
Beginning to decompress the archive.
Finished decompressing the archive.
File Upgrade Complete.
All changed files were backed up to: "D:\xampp\htdocs\sah\forum/errors/.backup/".
Beginning SQL Upgrades.
Convert table fud23_action_log to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_announce to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_ann_forums to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_attach to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_avatar to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_blocked_logins to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_buddy to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_cat to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_custom_tags to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_email_block to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_ext_block to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_forum to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_forum_notify to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_forum_read to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_groups to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_group_cache to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_group_members to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_group_resources to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_index to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_ip_block to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_level to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_mime to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_mlist to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_mod to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_mod_que to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_msg to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_msg_report to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_nntp to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_pmsg to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_poll to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_poll_opt to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_poll_opt_track to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_read to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_replace to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_search to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_ses to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_smiley to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_themes to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_thread to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_thread_notify to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_thread_rate_track to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_thr_exchange to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_title_index to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_users to UTF-8.
Convert table fud23_user_ignore to UTF-8.
SQL Upgrades Complete.
Creating Avatar Cache.
Reserving id for anon users
Adding GLOBAL Variables.
Compiling theme default.
Executing the Consistency Checker.
If the popup with the consistency checker failed to appear you MUST >> click here << to complete the upgrade.
Please remove the upgrade script to prevent hackers from running it. The script is located at D:\xampp\htdocs\sah\2-3-5\upgrade.php
Also another window poppedup/opened asking me to login as admin. Assuming for consistency check.