on the search for a combined forum/NNTP solution I found FUDforum and wanted to give a try. So I installed it (worked fine), then I tried to import my existing phpBB3 forum. The conversion runs for 10 seconds, then it errors out. The conversion log itself looks good, ending with:
Fatal error: SQL error has occurred! Please contact the administrator and have them look at the Error Log Viewer in the forum's Admin Control Panel. in /include/core.inc on line 252
And the forum doesn't work. No users are available, no topics, nothing. Consequently I can't login to check the Error Log Viewer in the Admin Control Panel.
My suspicion is that I've run into the web server's script time limit once again. I've had this problem before. I'm using shared hosting and my web provider has certain limits in place for how long a script may run etc.
Would it be possible/difficult to somehow split the converter into several steps? Or maybe allowing it to recover from such a script abort and continue its work where it was stopped? In theory I can ask my web provider tech support to run the conversion for me, they've done that in the past. But I really only wanted to test drive FUDforum for now, with a temporary forum URL. If all works well, I planned to permanently switch and then do the whole install/conversion again with the true/final forum URL. And I don't want to ask my web provider to do the conversion for me *twice*. They might refuse. So it would be great if the converter could somehow manage to do its work in short steps?