Template Editor ver: 3.1.1
attempting add new theme /adm/admthemes.php using Template Set:path_info_seo , creates the theme but returns:
X Please fix theme: Undefined template: "i_spy_lnk" inside "ONLINE_TODAY_PAGE" in file online_today.tmpl Rebuilding themes returns:
X Please fix theme work_path_seo: Undefined template: "i_spy_lnk" inside "ONLINE_TODAY_PAGE" in file online_today.tmpl
screen locks up when attemptting to use the test theme for seo.
Attempting to create new base template set with all files for default and path_info (yes I know not recommended, doing it for testing purposes). Returns:
Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Cannot copy "/home/user/domainname/FUDforum/thm/default/images/msnm.png" to "/home/user/domainname/FUDforum/thm/test_pathfull//images/msnm.png". in /home/user/domainname/FUDforum/include/fs.inc:168 Stack trace: #0 /home/user/domainname/FUDforum/adm/admtemplates.php(55): fud_copy('/home/user...', '/home/user...', '*', true) #1 {main} thrown in /home/user/domainname/FUDforum/include/fs.inc on line 168
Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Cannot copy "/home/user/domainname/FUDforum/thm/default/images/msnm.png" to "/home/user/domainname/FUDforum/thm/test_default//images/msnm.png". in /home/user/domainname/FUDforum/include/fs.inc:168 Stack trace: #0 /home/user/domainname/FUDforum/adm/admtemplates.php(55): fud_copy('/home/user...', '/home/user...', '*', true) #1 {main} thrown in /home/user/domainname/FUDforum/include/fs.inc on line 168
was attempting to create base template sets for path seo using twilight, forest, slate, an user left an right, without excessive editing.