Hi, I just had someone from IT at headquarters install FUDforum on our WordPress website and I have realized I am not as techy as I need to be.
In your FAQs, you had listed siteground as a provider that could help with the setup of FUDforum but they say that is more of a job for a website developer.
Anyway, is there anyone, anyone could recommend that could help with all the settings and then at least tell me how to maintain it? We will gladly pay whomever we get to do this!
Our FUDforum is to be strictly private (non-searchable from the outside world) with members being users of a specialized experimental medical device. It is just to field their questions.
We choose FUDforum because the entire messages can be set to show up in everyone's email inbox so all those that subscribe to the forum can see it and reply as opposed to only receiving a notification and then having to go on to the forum to add their two cents.
Craig Linford