I really hate seeing the scrollbar when two or more custom tags exist for a user. I also really really hate seeing the forum rank there. Would much rather see it below the post count. This is a much cleaner display of rank and tags. It might be worth considering for inclusion into cvs if enough people find interest.
Change forum.css.tmpl:div.ctags {
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
/* width: 100%; */
/* height: 36px; */
Change drawmsg.tmpl: note the addition of<br /><b>{MSG: posts_level}</b> {VAR: level_name}
--- drawmsg.tmpl.orig 2009-02-25 09:59:52.000000000 -0700
+++ drawmsg.tmpl 2009-02-26 16:20:07.000000000 -0700
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@
{SECTION: dmsg_tags}
-<div class="ctags">{VAR: level_name}{VAR: custom_tag}</div>
+<div class="ctags">{VAR: custom_tag}</div>
{SECTION: dmsg_custom_tags}
-<br />{VAR: obj->custom_status}
+{VAR: obj->custom_status}<br />
{SECTION: dmsg_no_custom_tags}
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
<tr class="MsgR2"><td class="MsgR2" colspan="2"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="ContentTable">
<tr class="MsgR2">
-<td class="msgud">{TEMPLATE-DATA: online_indicator}{TEMPLATE-DATA: user_link}{IF: !$hide_controls}{IF: $obj->flag_cc && $GLOBALS['FUD_OPT_3'] & 524288} <img src="images/flags/{VAR: obj->flag_cc}.png" border="0" width="16" height="11" title="{VAR: obj->flag_country}" alt="{VAR: obj->flag_country}"/>{ENDIFI}{IF: $obj->user_id}<br /><b>{MSG: posts_c}</b> {VAR: obj->posted_msg_count}<br /><b>{MSG: registered}</b> {TEMPLATE: dmsg_join_date} {TEMPLATE-DATA: location}{ENDIFI}{ENDIFI}</td>
+<td class="msgud">{TEMPLATE-DATA: online_indicator}{TEMPLATE-DATA: user_link}{IF: !$hide_controls}{IF: $obj->flag_cc && $GLOBALS['FUD_OPT_3'] & 524288} <img src="images/flags/{VAR: obj->flag_cc}.png" border="0" width="16" height="11" title="{VAR: obj->flag_country}" alt="{VAR: obj->flag_country}"/>{ENDIFI}{IF: $obj->user_id}<br /><b>{MSG: posts_c}</b> {VAR: obj->posted_msg_count}<br /><b>{MSG: posts_level}</b> {VAR: level_name}<br /><b>{MSG: registered}</b> {TEMPLATE: dmsg_join_date} {TEMPLATE-DATA: location}{ENDIFI}{ENDIFI}</td>
<td class="msgud">{TEMPLATE-DATA: dmsg_tags}</td>
<td class="msgot">{TEMPLATE-DATA: dmsg_bd_il}{TEMPLATE-DATA: dmsg_im_row}{IF: !$hide_controls}{IF: ($obj->host_name && $o1 & 268435456)}<b>{MSG: from}</b> {VAR: obj->host_name}<br />{ENDIFI}{IF: ($b & 1048576 || $usr->md || $o1 & 134217728)}<b>{MSG: dmsg_ip}</b> <a href="{TEMPLATE: dmsg_ip_address_url}" target="_blank">{VAR: obj->ip_addr}</a>{ENDIFI}{ENDIFI}</td>
Change your language msg file somewhere around posts_c and make it say what you want. The white space is a tab or two. This file doesn't like single spaces:
[Updated on: Thu, 26 February 2009 18:31]
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