If I create a new forum via API, i.e with the following code, the forum seems ok in administration panel but is not visibile in frontend
If I change category to the forum, the problem get fixed ;
am I missing anything in forum creation ? I noticed there's some sort of synch command (for groups, that are created together with forum, do they need synch?)
$f = new fud_forum;
$f->cat_id = 8;
$f->name = $newsgroup;
$areadescr = $echoareadesc[strtoupper($newsgroup)];
if (!$areadescr)
$areadescr = "New Echomail Area ".$newsgroup;
If you append a call to rebuild_forum_cat_order(), the forum index will show the newly-created forum. The rebuild_forum_cat_orders() function is in include/cat.inc.
I am guessing that FUDforum caches the forum index info because database calls take time and forums don't get added or deleted that often. So one has to update that cache. I didn't find a way to do that via the API.