Yet another release candidate in the 2.6.7 series. This release bumps the required PHP version to 4.3.0+ from 4.2.0+. This is done in response to various vulnerabilities in the 4.2 series and the fact that 4.3.0 has been out for almost 2 years and there is no reason for older versions of PHP to be used.
This release also addresses the bug on Redhat/Fedora systems where the path order on opendir() is messed up, and with 4.3.0+ code we can use a better glob().
Updated Polish & French translations.
Fixed possible query failure when search string does not contain any valid words.
Added configurable NNTP import limit.
Fixed harcoded tab with in threaded topic list.
Use faster extension_loaded() instead of function_exists for module checks.
glob() replaced readdir()/opendir()/closedir()
Removed no longer needed function availability checks.
Fix a bug that prevent proper theme from being rebuilt on template/text change in admin control panel.