Re: Search in selected forums |
Wed, 20 December 2006 13:46 |
Eh, since I have a very limited knowledge about PHP, I actually just wanted a comment whether you think my suggestions are good and can be implemented in the stock fudforum.
Re: Search in selected forums |
Wed, 20 December 2006 09:29 |
You'll need to modify search.tmpl to change the forum select to a multi-select and then change search.inc.t to accept the limiter as an array. Then you can build a list of forum ids and pass them to IN() statement.
Re: Search in selected forums |
Tue, 19 December 2006 12:29 |
It seems that you don't want to implement something like this at the moment. But maybe you can give a comment what you think about suggestions/ideas?
Re: Search in selected forums |
Sun, 03 December 2006 14:59 |
I think that this would be an useful feature. I understand that the search options would take more space then, but I think there are two ways for solving this problem:
1) Don't display the result together with the search options, show them on a new page.
2) Make it possible to hide the search options (e.g. using Ajax). I think I would prefer this way.
Maybe this oppertunity can also be used to extend the search options: for example a option for sorting the results by forum, user name or number of replies.
Re: Search in selected forums |
Mon, 06 November 2006 12:52 |
This won't work, since the value is converted to an integer and an array of values will translate to 0. The conversion of the forum select to a multiple selection field is kinda tricky and will make the search element occupy far more space then it does now. So, I am uncertain about adding this feature at this time.
Re: Search in selected forums |
Mon, 06 November 2006 02:48 |
Yes, I now this. But do you plan to add a possibility to search in few forums in different categories or in a few different categories?
I mean using
<select class="SmallText" name="forum_limiter" size="10" multiple>
instead of
<select class="SmallText" name="forum_limiter">
Re: Search in selected forums |
Sun, 05 November 2006 12:36 |
Fraid not, right now you can only do searching by:
1 forum
1 category (and all it's sub-categories)
entire forum.
Search in selected forums |
Thu, 02 November 2006 08:36 |
Can I search not only in all forums or selected one (as it is now), but also in a few selected forums?